REALTOR® TALK Newsletters

The Impact of Conducting Open Houses...Continued REALTOR® Talk / September 2024

In our previous REALTOR® Talk newsletter we focused on various facets of conducting open houses as a way to advance your real estate career. We mentioned in conclusion that we were just scratching the surface on this topic, and there was in fact much more that could be talked about. Bearing that idea in mind, we thought we would add some additional thoughts here today.

When doing an open house it's important to be clear about your objectives. The most obvious objective, of course, is to advance the sale of this particular house. Certainly that is what the homeowner wants, and from their perspective it's the only reason for doing an open house. From your perspective there are other equally compelling reasons, but selling this home is of course still important. So make it a point to have a game plan for showcasing the home in its best possible light. Assuming that staging and cleanliness is in order, and your marketing of the open house has been robust, that game plan should start with your first point of contact as people approach the front door.

Whenever possible, make it a point to open the door for them as they approach. Put on a big smile, and welcome them with a warm enthusiastic tone of voice. Then as they enter the home make sure to introduce yourself, and give them an opportunity to introduce themselves as well. Extending your right hand for a handshake can be an important component to this introduction; but you also need to be culturally sensitive. In some cultures it may not be appropriate for people of the opposite sex to shake hands. If you're not sure, you can ask them, "Is it okay if we shake hands, or do you prefer not to?" In any case, if they don't reciprocate your introduction with one of their own, then don't be afraid to ask them for their first name(s). This may seem like an insignificant detail, but addressing people with their name when touring the home is actually a great way to establish trust and connection. People feel validated when you address them by name.
 Always remember that when people meet you for the very first time, they are trying to make an assessment about you within the first 10 to 20 seconds, and then again in the next few minutes. You may also have a strong desire to make that assessment in return, but don't allow this desire to take precedence initially. You only have one opportunity to make a good first impression, so make that your priority.

One of the great ways to establish trust when doing an open house is to do what seems antithetical to your objective - that is, highlight negative aspects to the home. This surprises and disarms people because they don't expect it. Rather they expect you to highlight all of the positives of the home and minimize the negatives. You're a salesperson after all. Of course, you want to present the home in its best possible light.  But if you are aware of one or more consistent objections, why not highlight them up front? You then have more credibility when you frame that objection in a positive way. Of course you don't want to dwell on negatives, but it's okay to recognize that there is no such thing as a perfect home. In fact, you can even say that as you frame the objection(s). "There's no such thing as a perfect home." Handling objections in this way can make the difference in whether a buyer decides to give this home careful consideration or strikes it off their list. 

As part of your tour of the home you want to at some point draw attention to the printed material you have available, as well as your sign-in form. Copies of the printed forms should be beside the sign-in forms. This allows you to give them something, and ask for something in return. When asking people to fill out the form, there can easily be resistance if the request is not executed well. Part of doing it well involves timing. You want to make sure you've put them at ease before making the request. We recommend that you have a rehearsed script in this regard. An example might be as follows: Point to the form with an open hand (palm facing up) and say, "If you wouldn't mind just taking a moment to register your visit with us, that would be appreciated." Sometimes there will be resistance to this request even after you've put them at ease, but even so, it's okay to persist. Ask a second time by handling the objection if they present one, or ask again a little later on in the tour. An objection handler might be, "Don't worry, we're not going to spam you, but we do need to have a record of people who come through the home." Sometimes people will partially fill out the form with their name, or name and address, but not their phone number or email address. Make sure to check the form before they leave, and if it is incomplete, don't be afraid to ask for this missing information. If they say, "No, I'd rather not give you that information" you can respond by saying, "That's okay, I understand. And trust me, I'm not going to contact you needlessly. But, you know, you mentioned that you're looking for (a certain style or type of property)..... Based on that, I'd hate to not be able to make you aware of the perfect home for you if it comes available. Would it be okay if I just had your phone number or email address?" Keep in mind that one of your primary objectives in conducting an open house is to collect information. A lot of that information is gleaned from conversations. So make sure you also take notes on the form after they leave. If they're working with another REALTOR® find out who that REALTOR® is. You can then follow-up with him or her. If their handwriting is barely legible when reviewing the form, ask for spelling or numerical clarification. People won't take offense to this sort of request. It just shows that you are paying attention to the details.

To be effective in doing an open house, it's important that you strike the right balance between presenting and listening. Think of your conversation as interactive. It's good to talk about features and benefits, but don't ramble on and on. Say something, then stop and listen. A lot of times what they say can lead to you asking questions. And if you engage in a lighthearted, fun, conversational style, they will ask plenty of questions as well. A good natural dialogue is a combination of offering information and receiving information. And, again, if you do these things in a spirit of positivity, with lightheartedness and laughter, it's amazing how much information you can glean, and how much positive reciprocity there will emanate from the discussion. That positive vibe will do as much to sell the house as the house itself. And if the house is really not for them, not a problem. You can offer your services and expertise in their search going forward. Your objective with every interaction at an open house should be to create some sort of positive result. At the very least, you want to have had an uplifting conversation which leaves them with an appreciation that they just met an excellent real estate agent and a wonderful person, and leaves you feeling uplifted and energized as well. 

Again, this is the second of two newsletters that touches on the topic of conducting an effective open house. Please review the previous newsletter to gain a more well-rounded perspective on this important topic. Or if you can't find that newsletter in your email inbox, let us know, and we can send it to you again.   
That's all for now.  Until next time, we hope you have an awesome week, a great month, and a fantastic and profitable 4th quarter to the year 2024.

*photo by Freepik   

PS: The real estate sales profession can be an exciting career. But, of course, it's not without its challenges. Here is a link to a video we created highlighting our ideas on how to overcome some common impediments to growth in your real estate business and take it to the next level:

PPS: We are all about collaborating in a competitive environment. If that is your mindset as well, we invite you to schedule a 30 minute Zoom call here: . We 100% guarantee that these 30 minutes will be time well spent.

August 2024 - The Impact of Conducting Open Houses - What You Need to Know

One way for you as a REALTOR® to jump start your business is to conduct open houses. Whether you do it for one of your own listings, or offer it as a service to another listing agent in your brokerage, open houses can be effective on a variety of levels.

In the first place it helps reinforce a positive relationship with sellers. Sellers may be somewhat anxious when they list their property, but are also excited by the prospect of selling their home in a timely fashion for as much money as possible. Yet in most cases they don't have a clear understanding as to how these objectives will be advanced. So, they're counting on you and your expertise in navigating toward a successful sale. If they see that you are working hard on their behalf, that gives them confidence that they've made the right decision in signing their listing agreement with you. Conducting an open house (or several open houses, if necessary) is a tangible expression of the effort you are making on their behalf, which helps put their minds at ease. 

It's also great for prospective buyers, as it gives them an opportunity to see the house without scheduling a viewing through their own agent. In many cases, this first viewing with the listing agent is more beneficial because it gives them a detailed presentation about the home and property from someone who already knows it well. 

And, of course, it's great for you as the listing agent as well.  It gives you an opportunity to connect with buyers and prospective clients, to engage in conversation about this particular home, to actually promote its features and benefits as opposed to simply observing reactions, and to expand your database with contacts who are preparing to do real estate transactions either now or in the future.  

In regards to the home itself, conversations with open house registrants can help you gain a better understanding as to what the recurring objections will be going forward. You can then use this information in conversations with the sellers, to help them remove the objection if possible, or to otherwise minimize it.  The knowledge you amass in open houses can also give you an opportunity to pre-frame consistent objections when scheduling showings with buyer agents. Pre-framing is a wonderful and important tool. By explaining and minimizing an objection before a buyer actually sees it you can help shift that buyer's perception enough to keep it from being a deal-stopper to something they might actually be able to live with. Again, without the benefit of connecting with buyers first through an open house, you might miss an appreciation for this important information.

Conducting an open house also gives you an opportunity to hone various skills. We suggest making it a competition for yourself to see how good you are at putting people at ease and connecting with them in the first 10 to 20 to 30 seconds. Planning your conversational presentation can help immensely in that regard.  Get into the habit of greeting people with a warm smile and enthusiastic tone of voice. Then figure out a rhythm that works for you in an open house setting so that you cover all the bases. Get them to fill out a guest registration form, complete with name, phone number and email address. Engage in a conversational selling style so that you offer compelling information, while also receiving critical information in return. Conversational selling is not so much "selling" as it is "showing interest" in a way that continually adds value.  Understand that this is a skill (and an art form) that can be mastered (in open houses and elsewhere) so as to be of mutual benefit to you and those you serve.   

When it comes to preparing for an open house, use all of the advertising and marketing venues at your disposal. For starters, add an open house rider to the "For Sale" sign in front of the property several days in advance - making sure to specify the day and time. Then advertise the open house on all platforms available to you - on social media, on the MLS listing, in emails, telephone calls to buyers under contract, flyers distributed throughout the neighbourhood, door to door canvassing, etc.  Then on the day of the open house, place directional A-frame Open House signs in strategic locations to drive traffic your way. Also make sure you have quality printed material available to hand to guests attending the open house. In short, understand and appreciate that anything and everything you can do to advertise your open house is helpful. 

When the open house is completed, make sure you communicate in person or by telephone with the sellers to let them know how it went. Always be positive, even if conversations at the open house were discouraging or if no one showed up. 

Finally, make sure you follow up with people who attended the open house, as well as with their agents. The follow-up does not have to be salesy. But it is important that you connect. There may be multiple objectives here, not just selling the home where you did the open house. The deeper you can go in terms of an emotional connection with people, the more people you can develop that connection with, and the better you are at maintaining those connections, the more successful you will be in your real estate career. That's it in a nutshell. And again, open houses are a great venue for helping you in this regard.

There's so much more that we could talk about when it comes to conducting an open house. We've only just scratched the surface here. If you would like to discuss this or anything else related to the real estate profession, reach out to me (John) or Devin at any time. We're both committed to raising the bar of professionalism in our industry, and we always welcome stimulating conversation with anyone who shares that commitment.

That's all for now. Until next time, have a great day, a superb week, a fantastic month and an amazing rest of the year. We wish you all the success you're willing to work for.


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner
Home and Property Real Estate Ltd. (Brokerage)

PS: The real estate sales profession can be an exciting career. But, of course, it's not without its challenges. Here is a link to a video we created highlighting our ideas on how to overcome some common impediments to growth in your real estate business and take it to the next level:

PPS: We are all about collaborating in a competitive environment. If that is your mindset as well, we invite you to schedule a 30 minute Zoom call here: . We 100% guarantee that these 30 minutes will be time well spent.

July 2024 - How to Excel as a REALTOR®


As a licensed real estate agent in Ontario you already know that your RECO registration lays the groundwork for an amazing career. Indeed, we're guessing you had originally embarked on this journey with that in mind, deciding on real estate as a vocational pursuit for reasons that may include the following:
1. You get to work at something you enjoy. 
2. You get to be your own boss.
3. You get to meet all kinds of interesting people, and help them achieve their dreams and goals. 
4. You get to earn an above average income.
5. You get to build your business based on your own personal strengths, while delegating tasks to others who have complimentary skills.  
6. You get to scale your business to whatever level you like.
7. You get to _________________________________________ (insert your unique personal reason(s) here).

Reasons aside, the longer you've been working at selling and managing real estate, the more you undoubtedly realize that this business can nonetheless be extremely challenging. It may be simple in some ways, but it's not easy. So how do you overcome the challenges and learn to thrive regardless of the impediments that may stand in your way? How do you excel as a real estate agent?  

These are the questions that have been (and remain) extremely important for us at Home and Property Real Estate Ltd. as we pursue a culture for success. In fact, they drive us in seeking out every possible advantage to help agents thrive and prosper. If anything, that's what we're all about - helping our agents to be the best they can be.   We recognize that the industry has changed and continues to change every day. You can't stop change. But you can put systems and processes in place to help agents navigate changes successfully. 

To that end it doesn't matter whether you are:

*  a part time agent with another job, wanting to grow your real estate business into a full time career; or 

*  a new agent, perhaps feeling overwhelmed and in need of a workable realistic plan going forward; or 

*  a solo agent with some systems in place who nonetheless feels like you can be more efficient, effective and profitable; or  

*  a team leader in need of administrative and training support to take your business to the next level; or 

*  a broker agent, aspiring to start up and manage your own branch office with centralized administrative support; or

*  a RECO registrant looking to park your license - so you can take a leave or retire with the option of doing business occasionally or at a later time; 

We know that you can take your business to another level. You can move your success needle to a level beyond that which you are currently experiencing. To help you do that we offer real estate solutions that are tailored to your specific circumstance. Consider the following benefits of joining and working with us at Home and Property Real Estate Ltd.:

1. We are a virtual office brokerage. Instead of investing in physical space, we invest in our systems and people. The fringe benefit? You get to work from home.

2. We help you develop and implement a workable business plan; one that you can believe in, one that excites you. Then we do everything in our power to help you stay on track, to help you grow and expand and get to the next level in your business. This can be scary in some ways. It certainly makes you stretch. But it's also super exciting. 

3. We provide you with social media content that you can use to help expand your sphere of influence.

4. We encourage you to continually expand your database, and then keep in regular contact with people in that database by sending them a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly newsletter. Phone calls and other modes of direct contact are important too, of course. But this way at least you can keep in front of those you know in a non-invasive way each week. To help make this effort seem less daunting, we provide you with all the content you'll ever need. Enough excellent informative material for each and every week. Not that you're limited to this content. If you want to go above and beyond, providing your own unique perspective, that is perfectly fine as well. In fact it's encouraged. But if you need this kind of help, we offer newsletter templates, photos, headlines, scripting, etc. - again, enough material to get you going and keep you going every week.

5. We help you with video marketing. Whether that is making videos to sell your listings, or creating original videos for social media, or making ever-green videos that work for you day and night on YouTube, we help you expand your brand and presence in your preferred specified market area(s). 

6. We offer weekly Virtual Team Meetings. These meetings are a great way to connect with others on the team. The synergies developed here help everyone. As the saying goes, "A rising tide raises all ships."

7. We provide personalized coaching on a weekly, monthly, or as needed basis, depending on what you feel is warranted. Those who take advantage of this service find that it is invaluable in helping them get on track and stay on track to reach their goals.

8. Closely aligned with coaching is mentorship. We provide opportunities for you to connect with other agents who have already achieved a level of success that mirrors your own objectives. This alone can propel you where you want to be. Why? Because "You become like the people you associate with."

9. We offer you support in negotiating offers. The value in this kind of support can not be overstated. If you've been in the business for any length of time you know that every deal is different. And some situations can be extremely challenging. But if you can discuss the issues with someone who is also invested in your success, and bounce ideas around in a collaborative way, the chances of you arriving at a favourable outcome increases exponentially. 

10. We offer inside sales support. All calls coming into the brokerage are answered by a registered professional salesperson who's primary objective is to help you do more deals.   

11. We provide a full spectrum of administrative support for all of our agents. This includes sending documents to lawyers. reviewing sales and representation documents to ensure that critical items are not missed, producing trade records, MLS matrix support, sales reports, T4 tax documentation, etc..  

12. We help you win more listings with professionally branded customizable listing and buyer presentations, staging consultations and accessories staging for your listings, video and drone photography, marketing support, etc.. 

13. We pay your commission income via direct deposits so that you get paid more quickly. 

14. We provide electronic signature systems for your offer documents, listings, etc. 

15. We offer our agents a compelling profit sharing program.

16. We recognize that the freedom to operate your business in the way that works best for you is a high value for many agents. So we do everything we can to assist you in your success without trampling on your desire for independence.   

17. And we do all of this and more without charging you any monthly fees. We believe that our compensation model ensures that the brokerage doesn't succeed on the backs of agents, but on the success of our agents.   
If you'd like to learn more about our unique specialized approach to supporting real estate agents at Home and Property Real Estate Ltd., we invite you to schedule a Zoom meeting by clicking on the following link: . This half hour session will provide us both with an opportunity to assess whether further discussions would be mutually beneficial. 

That's all for now. Until next time, we hope you have an awesome week and month ahead. 


John Zwart, Broker of Record / Owner Partner
Home and Property Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage

JUNE 2024 - Mastering the Art of Follow-Up

When it comes to the value of real estate, one of the mantras often stated is "Location, Location, Location."  When it comes to the business of selling real estate, we could easily formulate a similar mantra with the words: "Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up". 
Following up with prospective clients, current clients, and past clients is indeed one of the most important activities you can schedule into your daily routine. But how do you do so effectively? This is a critical question. When I (John Zwart) first started selling many years ago, I followed up with prospective clients religiously, every day. But I was initially not very effective in my approach. And in retrospect I realized that I lost a number of sales because I was not sensitized to where people were in the sales process. Over time, however, I learned the relational nuances that are critical to effective follow-up and I continued to get better at it. Here are some thoughts and ideas in that regard:
1. Develop a follow-up procedure that works for you. You may try to emulate other agents in your brokerage or on your team, and certainly that can be an important worthwhile exercise; but at the end of the day you have to go with what works for you. You have to develop and hone your own procedure. This requires both skill and discipline. Learn how to walk alongside clients in a way that is comfortable and helpful for them. To do this effectively, as the song says, "You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, and know when to run." Over time, with practice and repetition, you'll continue to get better at it.
2. Always be aware that each person you interact with will be at a different stage in their real estate journey. Some people will be ready to act right away, others will take weeks, months or even years. So you will need a system to manage all the follow-ups. You can use a regular calendar or a real estate CRM. Whichever method you choose, make sure you use it. Be consistent with it. 
3. Try to emulate the flow and personality characteristics of those who you are talking to. If you sense that they are in a hurry when you call, then keep it short and to the point. If it sounds as though they've got time, and are happy to talk with you, then take the time to do so. Don't rush the conversation. If they're fast talkers then speed up the cadence of your own speech. Or slow down if they tend to talk at a slower pace. The same goes for tonality. If they talk in low tones, then try to do the same. If they talk in a more expressive manner, then try to be expressive in return. This is called "mirroring" and can be an important and useful relational skill.
4. Pay attention to a person's preferred mode of communication, and use that mode in return. That said, don't entirely neglect face to face or voice to voice conversations,  Some people are all about communicating by text messaging, or WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger. Others may prefer email. These written modes of communication are all useful, and they all have their place. But don't just communicate in writing. Make sure you also pick up the phone and give them a call from time to time, or invite them out for a coffee so you can talk face to face. And always bear in mind that the more important topics will often require talking by telephone or meeting face to face.
5. When following up, remember the acronym L.P.M.A.M.A. This stands for Location, Price, Motivation, Agent, Mortgage, and Appointment. This is a useful tool which can help guide you through your follow-up procedure with leads. Here is a short explanation of the purpose for each term:
Location:        Find out what location they are interested in and provide them with information about that location.
Price:             Send them monthly stats about prices in their neighbourhood(s) of interest.
Motivation:     Ask light hearted, yet probing, questions to find out what their intention and timelines are. Keeping it light hearted elicits nuanced conversation. Discovering their pain points is something that can be very useful in helping them achieve their desired objectives.
Agent:            Find out if they already have a real estate agent (If they are under contract, explain that they should reach out to that agent. You cannot proceed any further with them).
Mortgage:      Ensure they understand the mortgage process and give them tips along the way. This conversation is often more comfortable if done in person initially.
Appointment: Meeting with someone increases the chances of getting a sale with them. At the end of every interaction, set up a plan for the next step.
That's all for now. I hope these reminders about follow-up are useful and helpful for you as you shoot for your real estate goals in the coming weeks.
If you have questions about this, or would like to engage in further discussion about how to advance your business follow up procedures, feel free to reach out to us at any time, We're interested in raising the bar of professionalism in our industry, and are always glad to help.


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner

Devin Hulett, REALTOR®, Owner Partner

May 2024 - Unlocking the Potential of Your Business with Newsletters

You may have heard it said that when it comes to selling, anything works as long as you work at it.
We think that while this may be true for sales in general, it's certainly true for real estate sales in particular. 
There are many different kinds of ways to succeed at the business of real estate. Some are more effective than others, but they all converge on having a plan, and then working that plan. Some agents focus on telephone cold calling as a way to grow their database. Others prefer door knocking. Many don't like doing either. Some agents are all about networking, getting out into the community, being involved, getting to know and be known at service clubs, sporting and fitness venues, churches, etc..  Some agents put a lot of energy into social media or a combination of print and social media, as well as various other types of marketing. And some are all about farming one or more residential neighbourhoods, again using various methods of communication to connect with people.  
Regardless of the methods you use to develop contacts and grow your database, a critical part of your success will come down to nurturing and maintaining those connections. Again, there are a variety of ways to do this, but we think one of the best ways is to produce regular content that gets sent specifically to your growing database by way of an email or e-newsletter. Whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, a regularly produced newsletter can be a game changer for your business. So it's something we actively encourage our team members to do; and we encourage you to do that as well. Here are some benefits:
First, you develop credibility. If you send out interesting and compelling real estate information every week, people are going to start paying attention to you. They're going to notice that you're hardworking and committed to excellence in your profession. This is the kind of reputation that ultimately draws business your way.
Second, you get higher engagement with your content. If you post something on social media (Facebook for example) chances are only 10-20% of your friends or followers are actually going to see it, and only a fraction of those are going to engage in your post. If you send out an email to everyone in your database however, close to 100% of these people will see it in their inbox, and an average of 36% of them will open it. That's pretty good. Really good in fact. Even if people rarely open your newsletter, they'll see it in their inbox every week or month, or however often you send it out. This kind of regular non-intrusive engagement keeps you at the forefront of their minds when they think of real estate. And top of mind awareness ultimately leads to more referrals as well as direct business.   
Third, a good newsletter can drive traffic to your website, as well as your social media platforms, and your listings. This "cross pollination" can help create the impression that you're everywhere in your market area; and of course that's a very good thing in terms of your brand awareness and credibility.    
Now it goes without saying that producing and sending a regularly scheduled newsletter is not something that happens easily. It takes a sizable commitment and effort. It takes a lot of work, especially in the beginning. For some people this may seem too daunting. "What am I going to write about every week?" they may ask. Or what if you're not a very good writer? How can you continually come up with good content? Or what if you don't have a big database? How can you grow your database to make it all worthwhile?
These are questions with a fair degree of merit. But the challenges they represent are not insurmountable. The important thing here is to play to your strengths. If you're not a good writer, then purchase written content produced by someone else. Or, if money is tight, team up with other agents in your office to buy content together. We do this at a brokerage level, making professionally produced content available for free to all our team members. You can also hire someone to transcribe your thoughts into written form, if that's easier. This is particularly useful if you feel as though you've got a lot to say. Your knowledge and expertise is ultimately what's most important here. So figure out how you can share that information with as many people as possible. Make a video newsletter if nothing else, as that works just as well as a written one, maybe even better. 
In terms of growing your list of email subscribers, be willing to try different things. Ask your early subscribers to share your content with friends and family, asking them to subscribe as well. Try putting your newsletter on social media, and invite people to subscribe there. Make and promote a landing page where people can sign up for more information. And get into the habit of talking to people every day, asking them for their contact information including email address and phone number, so that you can keep in touch. A simple question in that regard might be something like this: "Would it be okay with you if we kept in touch?" Depending on the circumstances, the preamble to that question might be as follows" "Even though you're not planning on buying or selling a home anytime soon, I've really enjoyed our conversation...Would it be okay with you if we kept in touch?" 
When it comes to content, it's also important to be personally engaging. This doesn't mean you have to be a comedian or an artist or come up with super compelling content every time. But you do have to engage people on a personal level. It's not good enough to just provide timely professionally produced information and data about real estate. If people are going to keep reading your newsletter, they also want to get to know you. They want to find out what your interests are, what puts a bounce in your step, what makes you tick. And most importantly perhaps, they want to know that you are someone they can trust and connect with. So while you can be serious and act with integrity, you can also keep things light hearted, you also know how to have fun.  
Anyway, there's a lot more that could be said about newsletters. We've been doing them regularly for a number of years now. If this is something you think you'd like to do, and if you're still not sure how to get started, reach out to us. We'd be happy to engage in conversation about this important topic to help you get off to a good start.
That's all for now. Until next time, we hope you have a great day and a wonderful week ahead. 


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner

Devin Hulett, REALTOR®, Owner Partner

April 2024 - One-on-One Conversations: The Best Tool in your Toolbox

One of the beautiful things about being a registered real estate agent is that you can achieve a very high level of success without a lot of formal education. Good agents can earn as much as doctors, lawyers or other professionals, without having to go through the painstaking rigors of medical school, law school, residency, bar exams, etc.. And of course you can do this without incurring nearly the same amount of debt as an entry into the profession.  When real estate sales trainers tell you "the sky's the limit" in this business, they're not exaggerating. You really can start and finish ahead of other professionals if you put your mind to it, and are disciplined in your approach. You really can become totally financially secure as a real estate agent. 
Yet the opposite is also true. New agents join our ranks every year with light in their eyes and vigor in their demeanor, only to become totally disenchanted with the real estate profession in a year or two. Many quit altogether within five years.
So what's going on here? What makes the difference between an agent who is highly successful and one who continually struggles to keep their head above water?
Well, the answer to this question is multifaceted. Some people are extremely self-disciplined. Some people lack discipline. Some people have great leadership and interpersonal skills. Some haven't yet developed these skills. Some are organized, some are unorganized, and some people have clearly defined goals and an overarching vision that supports those goals, while others lack adherence to either one or both of these. It might even be in some cases that people are afraid to succeed. Whatever the reason, each person is a unique individual, so you can't just assume that it's one thing or the other.
Everyone's challenges will be unique and specific to them in some way. Yet, it's important to know that regardless of where you are in business and in life, you can achieve more. You can actually succeed beyond your current expectations or limitations. And if you're committed to it, you can do so as a professional real estate agent. BUT (and this is a big BUT) to do this you are going to have to make some changes. And change is not easy. In order to make the appropriate change in as little time as possible, we recommend that you seek out a qualified mentor who can help you analyze your business, and walk you through the needed adjustments. 
Apart from that, even before finding the right mentor, we recommend doing some basic tweaks to your work routine. Try to focus on the basics that will help you get on the right footing. 
Here are some thoughts in that regard:
Most importantly, understand that this is a people business. That means you've got to talk to people. Texting, and being in front of your computer creating emails and social media posts is good in some ways, but it can't be a replacement for voice-to-voice or face-to-face conversations. These one-on-one conversations are critical to your success. So keep that in mind. Transactionally speaking, nothing of substance happens until you engage in one-on-one conversations.
So who do you talk to? Well, there's no shortage of strangers, if you want to go that route. There are millions of people right here in southern Ontario. But apart from them, particularly if you're struggling to gain traction in this business, it's probably better that you focus on your sphere of influence first. In other words, talk to the people you already know who already know you.  If you put your mind to it you should be able to come up with a list of at least 100 names of people that fit this category. That's a bare minimum. For many people the list is actually quite a bit larger. In any case, if you start reaching out to these people, using all the modes of communication available to you, but especially making sure to not neglect voice-to-voice and face-to-face conversations, you should begin to gain traction in your business. 
Make sure you are systematic in your approach to these activities. Always use your calendar or a CRM to plan the next interaction. People are all at some stage in their real estate journey. At some point they're going to need the services of a friendly, competent, committed, disciplined real estate agent. If you're the agent who has maintained regular contact with them, demonstrating professionalism and competence, showing a sincere interest in them all the while, then who better to engage in that service than you? You're the person they already know, already like, already trust, having established the relationship through regular contact. So the answer will be obvious.
Now, you may think to yourself, that's all fine and dandy. But I need business now. We understand that. But here's the thing. If you develop this disciplined approach to having conversations with people, keeping in regular contact with them through emails, text messaging, newsletters, and of course telephone conversations and in-person meetings, you ARE going to find those people who are ready to do business now. That will happen. So don't worry about it. Just do the things that will help you build a stable long term business, and trust that the immediate business will manifest itself through that process.
There's lots more that could be said in this regard, but we'll leave it at that for now. If you've got questions or comments about any of this, or would like to delve into it further, reach out to me (John) or my partner (Devin). Either one of us, or both of us, would be happy to chat or help you in any way we can. Or maybe it's not even that. Maybe instead it's you helping us. Either way, that's one of the beauties of this business. We as agents are motivated to collaborate with each other to generate business; and this collaboration often works to bring out the best in each other.
Again, that's all for now. Until next time, we hope your days and weeks ahead are efficient, effective, productive and profitable. 


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner

Devin Hulett, REALTOR®, Owner Partner

March 2024 - Why social media marketing is the new sliced bread

If you have been in real estate for any length of time, you've most likely gone through phases in terms of your focus. At the beginning maybe it was simply about getting in front of people. So you offered to do open houses on behalf of "experienced" agents at your brokerage who had listings. Or maybe you were encouraged to call your sphere of influence, or do cold calling or door knocking in a specified neighbourhood. Then, as you got to meet more people and engage in conversations about real estate, perhaps you realized that developing a skill set around what to say and how to move a conversation along in a desired direction was important. So you focused on developing skills in that area. And then, perhaps as you gained traction in your business, there was a concerted effort put into branding and marketing using various print, digital and social media platforms. 

While each of these methods for gaining traction is important, and while any one method on its own can help you advance your business, it's this last focus on branding and marketing, especially on digital and social media platforms, that has become increasingly important in the real estate sector. I think it's fair to say that most successful agents are employing some form of social media marketing in their business. What often sets these top producers apart from the rest, however, is a robust commitment to a comprehensive digital marketing plan. 
The reasons why they do this are not difficult to understand. If you have an in depth conversation with a prospective client about a given topic for example, that conversation lives only in the moment, and effectively only in the mind and heart of that one client. If you have that conversation in digital format however, and post it on various digital and social media platforms, whether in written or video format, that conversation has the potential to reach hundreds, and perhaps even thousands, of people in your market area. And if you happen to do that conversation well, and then regularly add to it with many more conversations that are equally compelling, you have the ability to position yourself, amongst people who you may have never even met before, as the "go to" expert for real estate in your local market area. 
That's a pretty compelling reason to dig into social media for business. 
The problem or question however, is how do you effectively reach your target audience using social media? 
Well, the answer to that is a little more complicated. It involves learning, implementing, then more learning, implementing again, and then more learning still. Just as with real estate itself, social media marketing involves a concerted commitment to "Constant and Never-ending Improvement".
That said, here are some basic ideas to help you get started:
1. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram. LinkedIn, YouTube, or TikTok, make a commitment to one platform to start, and then over time seek to add to it, until you have a robust presence across various platforms.
2. Develop a systematic plan for the types of information you'd like to post on these platforms. Then produce and roll out this information on a consistent and persistent basis. Now of course, as you get busier working with clients, consistency will become more and more challenging. So it's important to plan ahead. With that in mind, use the rhythms in your weekly, monthly, and annual work cycles to your advantage. Utilize the time when you're not working with clients to produce content, and then schedule that content so that you develop a reputation for being professional and reliable in the way you approach your business.
3. Seek out inspiration. Look at what other agents are doing well, and then use this for inspiration to produce your own unique content. Now to be fair, this can be a two edged sword. When looking at what other agents are doing well, it may be easy to become overwhelmed and compare yourself to them in a negative way, thinking I could never do what they do. This is a mindset problem. Don't allow yourself to go there. Recognize that they are using their unique skills and abilities to their own advantage. You need to do the same. Don't compare yourself to others. Focus on what you're good at, and then use that to create your own unique selling proposition. If you are authentic in what you put out there, your authenticity will resonate with people who will want to connect with you. You don't need everybody. You just need to find those who like you and trust you for who you are, and will thereby want to work with you.
4. If you're still in need of inspiration, here are some topics or themes that can help you get started:
-success stories and testimonials
-career milestones
-Industry and market news
-Home tips and renovation ideas
-Real estate events you've participated in
-Documenting your day
5. Make it a habit to include a call to action in your content. It doesn't need to be every time (though it could be), and it doesn't need to be anything earth shattering. It can be something as simple as "This is what I think. Let me know what you think." In any case, it should be related to the topic of your post. Try to get people to engage with you. If you are particularly "sales oriented", think of it as a "trial close". The more you can get people to align with you on minor points of interest, the more comfortable they will become with you over time, and the greater the chance will be down the road for them to want to work with you when selling or buying a home.  
6. Be willing to hire expertise in areas where you may be lacking. None of us is good at everything, so don't be embarrassed by that. Rather, seek out those who may be able to help you with video production, or writing, or search engine optimization, advertising, aerial photography, or whatever else you may need help with in developing and growing your social media presence. If you're on a limited budget, work within that budget. But don't just leave it at that. Make plans to grow and expand your social media marketing efforts in a professional way. In other words, treat your business as a business, not just a job or a hobby.
There's lots more that could be said about this topic. And there's lots more for all of us to learn as well. If you're interested in the learning journey, we're interested too. So reach out to us at any time to delve into this topic, or any other real estate topic, in more detail. As we like to say here at Home and Property, "Iron sharpens Iron". We can all learn from each other. So if you're like-minded, let's expand on these ideas in conversation in whatever format suits your fancy - by text or email, in person, or by telephone. 
That's all for today. Until next time, we hope you are happy and productive in all you do.


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner

Devin Hulett, REALTOR®, Owner Partner

February 2024 - How to Leverage the Power of Your Sphere of Influence

When deciding to grow your real estate business it can be tempting to search far and wide for the magic bullet that will lead to your success and fortune.

Think back to when you just started out. You went through the RECO registration process, took courses, learned everything you could from books, videos, in class training, and conversations with savvy professionals at the brokerage where you intended to "hang your shingle". You were motivated and ready to make your mark as a Realtor. This was the beginning of your new "forever" career.  

So what did you do in those early days?

If you were like most new agents, you probably experimented with what you learned. You tried a bit of this, tried a bit of that. You knew that you needed to prospect, so maybe you tried your hand at cold calling. Maybe you tried going door to door. Maybe you sent out some flyers or postcards. Maybe you did some advertising. Maybe you arranged to do an open house on someone else's listing. And maybe you also reached out to family and friends, as well as to those you knew in other ways (your sphere of influence) to let them know you were embarking on this new exciting career,

Each of these traditional ways of prospecting works well, provided you work it properly. Some of the newer electronic methods of prospecting also work well...again assuming you work them properly. But if you're wanting to gain traction in your career, either as a newby or as a veteran, it would be foolish to not put concerted effort into working your sphere of influence (SOI) in addition to whatever else you're doing. Why? Because, statistically speaking, more agents sell more homes on behalf of their SOI than any other source. In fact the numbers, depending on the source for data, are consistently somewhere between 70% and 80%. That is, 70-80% of all transactions are sourced through agent spheres of influence. Those numbers are pretty high. So why wouldn't you be persistent and consistent in nurturing and developing that source?

"But, I'm new to the city" you might say. "My sphere of influence is small. I don't know very many people."

Sorry, but that is simply an excuse. If you don't have a large sphere of influence, take steps to expand it. Your SOI is not just family and friends. It's also:

- past colleagues
- neighbours and community members
- hobby/interest/spiritual groups
- professionals
- business owners
- volunteers
- contractors
- past clients
- buyer leads you have interacted with
- seller leads you have interacted with
- investors
- other Realtors you know...

...and the list could go on.

Don't just think of people in your immediate geographic area. Think of anybody and everybody you know. Even if they're in another province, or perhaps even another country. People know people who know people. And the people you know could lead you to someone you don't know who is nonetheless ready, willing, and able to do a real estate transaction in your market area.

Growing and working your sphere of influence is not hard. It's just a matter of getting out there, putting yourself in front of people, engaging in interesting, stimulating thoughtful conversation. The important things here are to be positive, encouraging, helpful, interested, and interesting. Most importantly of all, get in motion, and stay in motion. As we say at Home and Property Real Estate, "It's hard to steer a parked car."

If you're wondering what to say, or how to advance the conversation, try using a conversational aid like C.H.E.F. or F.O.R.D.  

C.H.E.F. is an acronym that stands for:
C - Community - ask about the person's surroundings, neighbourhood, workplace.
H - Hobbies - ask them about their hobbies or interests
E - Entertainment - what types of entertainment do they engage in? What do they like to do or watch?
F - Food - ask about favourite restaurants or what foods they are currently enjoying.

F.O.R.D. is an acronym that stands for:
F - Family - what's new in their family?
O - Occupation - what's happening in their work life?
R - Recreation - what do they do for fun?
D - Dreams - what goals or plans do they have for the future?  

The important thing here is to talk less and listen more. And the way to do that is to ask questions that get people talking about themselves. Don't worry about steering the conversation toward real estate. If you're asking questions, they will reciprocate, and ask questions about you and your interests in turn. This will be a natural segue toward areas of common interest, including real estate.  To do this well is both an art and a skill. To that end, it takes practice. If you practice enough, eventually it becomes a habit. And as we also like to say at Home and Property Real Estate, "At first you make your habits. But eventually your habits make you."  

That's all for today. Until next time we hope you have an awesome day, a fantastic week, and an amazing career ahead.


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner

Devin Hulett, REALTOR®, Owner Partner

The trademark REALTOR® is controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identifies real estate professionals who are members of CREA.

January 2024 - Honing your communication skills

As we look forward to 2024 and set our personal real estate goals, as REALTORS it's tempting to focus too much of our attention on market prognostications. Is it going to be a good year for the market? Or a not-so- good year? Are sales going to pick up again? Will the current trend toward a buyer's market continue? Are interest rates going to stabilize or even come down slightly?  How will the broader economy impact sales? What about employment? What about core inflation??

The problem with prognostications is that even we, the experts, are conflicted about what's going to happen next. Some of us say the market is going to rebound. Some say it's going to be a challenging year. Many agents offer variations between these extremes. The truth is, no one knows for sure. Yes, we can make reasoned estimates. And yes, it's important to speak about the market in an informed way when conversing with clients.

But even so, it's more important that we listen to our clients, to their hopes and dreams, as well as their fears; and that we then speak into their specific situation in a wise, nuanced and personal way. It's important to remind clients and ourselves that the market is not some monolithic entity, but a compilation of hundreds and thousands of individual decisions. At the end of the day, the decisions they make with our help are contingent mostly on personal factors beyond broader market dynamics. Of course, they are looking to us for professional expertise in concert with an understanding of their situation.  This is why people hire real estate agents - because they are making one of the most important decisions they'll ever make, and they need our help in navigating the complexities around that decision.

Regardless of the uncertainty of the broader market dynamics, one of the surefire ways for us to grow our respective real estate businesses, is to hone our communication skills. To that end, we encourage our team members at Home and Property Real Estate Ltd., to write down their thoughts in a blog or newsletter, or at the very least in a personal journal. Putting pen to paper so to speak, writing your perspectives about various topics related to real estate, helps you to develop clarity. This in turn, helps you to speak with authority when conversing with clients or prospective clients. It's really a mode of communication. And communication, again, effective communication, is critical to a successful career in real estate.

Now of course, not everyone is adept at writing. For some this can be an overwhelming challenge. To these people we suggest that they communicate their perspectives via video. Pre-planned oral communication can be even more effective than written communication. The important thing here is to not just ramble, but present your ideas in a compelling, concise, coherent form. Your presentation skills are enhanced through this exercise, and (assuming you publish your videos on social media) they help you gain credibility in your market as well.

Communication doesn't just happen in these pre-planned (written or video) formats however. The most important format may well be simple conversation. Though this may seem self-evident, too often we see agents sending text messages or emails when they ought to be picking up the phone or going to meet with clients in person. Again, written communication and video productions are both useful tools. But they are only two among many,

Always keep in mind that we are in the business of selling. And selling is in many respects largely about relationships. When it comes to real estate no sale is ever solely advanced on the basis of written communication. At some point, there has to be face to face or voice to voice communication. If you're at all nervous about that, then begin by writing a text or an email, and then follow up with a phone call. Then another email perhaps; and then arrange a meeting in person. Alternating between these modes of communication can be very effective - certainly much more effective than communicating through writing alone.

Anyway, there's lots more that can be said about the art of communication as it relates to selling real estate. If you ever have the need to reach out to my partner Devin Hulett or myself about this or anything else, feel free to do so by text, email or telephone call. Just know that whatever mode of communication you begin with will at some point be transplanted by one of the other modes of communication. That's just the way it works.

Until next time, we hope you have an awesome day, a fantastic week and an amazing year ahead. 


John Zwart, Broker of Record, Owner Partner

Devin Hulett, REALTOR®, Owner Partner

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